Publicado el: 05/07/2017



"Mutual societies have adapted in advance to the rapidly advancing change in the world of work, which over a few decades has changed from the primary to secondary, to the tertiary sector and now to "4.0" which transforms everything.”



Juan Echevarria Puig
Presidente de Mutua Universal

Publicado el: 03/04/2017

If the history of humankind had begun on 1st January 2018 (or 2017) in Spain and threatened to continue in the same way, and if only political life existed, we would have had to seriously consider moving to another planet.

Fortunately, this is not the case. We have to accept politics, even these politics, for the short burst that they are and we must always believe that new hope is not far away.

Too much politics. Too widespread. Too many political or politicised institutions. Too many politicians within said institutions. Too much self-interest. Too few leaders. Politics, the precious art of coexistence, a sublime vocation of self-sacrifice and service to others, has become a source of disagreement, even amongst those who pursue common goals. Politics for politics’ sake.

Some people will think and feel comfortable believing that was always the case, but at least in other times we were lucky not to have immediate and simultaneous information on everything that is happening. Time and distance can be a healer.

Out of habit, I thought about mentioning the main events of 2018 in this letter. However, regardless of the fact many of them have become well -known incidents, I will not refer to them. "Today is bad, but tomorrow is mine," wrote the still lucid Antonio Machado.

At the moment, there is a play being performed in Mérida, where, as usual, Cicero is the hero and the villain is Catiline. Incidentally, I am currently reading a beautiful essay written in 1948 by Ángel María Pascual, in which quite the opposite can be seen. Ángel María Pascual also told us in the euphoric years "Your dreams will be dashed and you will be left on the outside."

Cicero represented the establishment and Catiline represented revolution, the abolition of slavery, but on the condition that slaves were not admitted to the army. Catiline fought so that others could be free, as he was, but without admitting them as soldiers who fought at their own convenience. In the fight for things that are not of interest to us, there lies the greatness of politics, transforming a politician into a leader.

One of the possible advantages of this commotion may be the memory or recognition of the great problems hanging over us, some of which are not exclusive to Spain.

Economic and social inequality.

Unemployment, which is frequently structural, due to the unstoppable and accelerated development of technological changes.

Emigration of highly educated and trained people. Immigration of those most in need.

The standardisation of anti-social behaviour and violence.

Depopulation and desertification of much of Spain.

The lack of a standard teaching that teaches, trains and provides culture, taking into account the fact that culture consists of our present way of life and our time consists of great horizons. It also considers the globalisation of problems and their solutions, the great advances in intelligence and that Spain, which is small enough, should be the minimum unit for projection and coexistence.

Some of us, fortunately, and without resorting to patriotic backslapping, have realised that this Spain is no longer old and untrustworthy, quarrelsome and sad (Machado again, this time contradicting himself). Instead, it occupies a preferential position in so many good and current things that the Spanish have achieved with hard work and tenacity. Despite others who deny or ignore the fact, we are in the forefront of the leading group in the race.


Publicado el: 03/04/2017

The success of the old mutual model is repeated day after day, with the voluntary mass affiliation of companies and consequently of the working population.

Publicado el: 03/04/2017

Another advantage of this commotion is the memory and appointment of great men who confronted the same problems that we now face. Not a lot of notice was taken, but now it is still possible and must be done. To quote Max Weber, an anonymous and overblown capitalism which does not contribute, after great crises, to the improved and increased equality in economic and social protection for the middle classes that constitute the true synovial juice of society.

According to Hans Kelsen: "First Kelsen, then no-one and after no-one, Kelsen". This was frequently repeated by my teacher José María Hernández Rubio. Kelsen, with a hectic academic life, formulated the origin of and need for the Constitutions and the Constitutional Courts that apply them, defending and reviewing international law and placing it as the predominant basis of national laws.

We remember Karl Jaspers in his unforgettable “The Origin and Goal of History" where he attributes the origin of nations to legend and utopia as his goal, thus reducing the weight of nationalism.

And we quote C. Schmidt in an undertone, giving the people the status of a subject of acclaim in a hyper-democracy in which the assembly is the supreme decision-making and governing body. This justified one of the most ferocious dictatorships in history.

In this state of confusion, which in time will either induce pity or provoke laughter, mutual insurance companies believe that they are in a permanent state of helplessness. The same goes for Spain. In 1970, Pedro Laín Entralgo, (he of "Spain as a problem”) published a long essay entitled "What we call Spain". In the interests of honesty, we should establish that we know what Spain is and what mutual companies are. But some always prefer the mystery that brings darkness.

So much has been written in the search for Spain that - thank you Pascal - I prefer to listen and allow it to say to me "If you’re looking for me you would have already found me."

And Mutua Universal participates in this style, in this way of life, which Goethe says is carried out consciously or unconsciously in every fact and every word, and understands that mutual companies are not an end unto themselves. They must be instruments that know, interpret and solve the health and safety problems, amongst other things, of their associated companies and the protected workers, and along with this, the obligations and rights that the Administration is responsible for and has delegated to the mutual company. Mutualism, prior to Social Security, with the natural limitations of this time, imposed the extension and obligatory nature of social protection with the participation of the employer and the protected workers themselves, now joined by the self-employed.

The success of the old mutual model is repeated day after day, with the voluntary mass affiliation of companies and consequently of the working population. Mutual societies have adapted in advance to the rapidly advancing change in the world of work, which over a few decades has changed from the primary to secondary, to the tertiary sector and now to "4.0" which transforms everything.

The Universal name of our mutual business also includes everything. Its permanent presence throughout Spain. Its attention to companies and workers in any sector and specialization. The inclusion of self-employed workers and large corporations. Up-to-date with the digital and intelligence revolution which involves new jobs, new methodologies, new working methods, new illnesses and treatments, new areas of work that require new forms of relationships between people and institutions. Also, among mutual societies, in a way their own mutualisation crystallised in our case with the agreement signed with Fremap and Solimat.

To conclude, we offer our thanks to affiliated companies and workers.

To our professionals, to the Board of Directors, both selfless and generous in their assistance, with no other reward than the fulfilment of duty.

To those that make up the Control and Monitoring and Special Benefits Committees and the Audit Committee. To the management team and, in particular, to the Managing Director.

To the Chairman and Managing Director of Amat, who harmonise the different sounds of the affiliated mutual associations.

To the Deputy General Director of Social Security Collaborating Organisations, Mr. Carlos Tortuero, to the General Director of the Social Security Organisation, Mr. Borja Suárez, and to Mr. Octavio Granado, State Secretary for Social Security.


Juan Echeverría Puig
President of Mutua Universal

Publicado el: 02/05/2017

The Universal name of our mutual business also includes everything. Its permanent presence throughout Spain. Its attention to companies and workers in any sector and specialization.