the needs for the future
Digital transformation is one of the key pillars of Mutua Universal's growth strategy as a driving force for the development of new services and ongoing improvement in the health care provided to associated companies and protected workers.

Speeding up the digital agenda
The Digital Transformation Office is in charge of promoting the digital agenda in accordance with Mutua Universal's strategy. The actions the team carried out in 2020 to meet the new demands that arose during the pandemic demonstrate the cross-cutting, multidisciplinary nature of their work.
- Adaptation of platforms and services for the management of special benefits for the self-employed.
- Launch of the Teleconsultation service.
- Adaptation of IT systems to include extra information relating to COVID-19 processes.
- Development of collaborative solutions (Teams and Zoom) to maintain remote communication between the Company's employees.
- Continued development of the Lynx artificial intelligence project.
- Development of the digital office through electronic notification and the digital certificate service.
- Digitalisation and improvement of healthcare procurement processes.
91,000pre-applications for benefits for self-employed workers managed using RPA processes

Application of virtual reality to stress management. In 2020 we carried out a proof of concept study, the results of which led to the design and development of two experiments based on virtual environments.

Commitment to artificial intelligence for continuous service improvement
One of the objectives of the 2018-20 Strategic Plan already in place is the introduction of artificial intelligence and predictive analysis to optimise contingency management. This commitment allows us to collect our own data and to apply these technologies to improve other services, thereby positioning Mutua Universal as a data-driven company.

Alfonso Valencia, Director of the Department of Life Sciences at the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre and Director of the National Institute of Bioinformatics.

Call for entries for the 6th Innovation and Health Awards
Artificial intelligence was also the protagonist at the sixth edition of the Innovation and Health Awards, held virtually in November. The event included a presentation by Dr. Alfonso Valencia on the medicine of the future in times of COVID-19.
Social distancing measures forced us to suspend the awards ceremony for the winners of the fifth edition, initially scheduled for March 2021.
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