"Together with the excellent progress of our own activity, we are broadening our social commitment in other areas such as social aid to employees and their families.”
Juan Echevarria Puig
Presidente de Mutua Universal
"Together with the excellent progress of our own activity, we are broadening our social commitment in other areas such as social aid to employees and their families.”
Juan Echevarria Puig
Presidente de Mutua Universal
The year 2017 has been a turbulent year for Spain. Barcelona and Cambrils both suffered attacks claimed by the Islamic State, resulting in 16 dead and nearly 150 wounded. The Ramblas in Barcelona, world renowned, with specific and unique traits that turn them into an array of experiences, activities and nationalities, became the perfect showcase for international terrorism, to which the confusion of responsibilities, the lack of due diligence and the use of the demonstrations of outrage and pain were added, even though they were presided over by H.M. the King of Spain.
On the political front, the Parliament of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia enacted Law 19/2017 of 6 September on the referendum of self-determination and Law 20/2017 of 8 September on the legal and foundational transience of the Catalan Republic, which were annulled by rulings of the Constitutional Court of 17 October and 8 November 2017, respectively.
Law 21/2017 of 20 September 2017, enacted by that same Parliament, which created the Catalan Agency of Social Protection, was suspended by the Constitutional Court on 17 October, which also admitted the Spanish Government's appeal of unconstitutionality.
All these successive phases culminated in the call of a unilateral referendum, on 1 October 2017, which would decide the proclamation of the Independent Catalan Republic, as done by the Parliament of Catalonia on 27 October 2017.
The Spanish government, following a request to the President of the Autonomous Community and with the agreement of the Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE) and Ciudadanos and prior approval by an absolute majority of the Senate, adopted and applied article 155 of the Constitution.
Following this, elections to the Parliament of Catalonia were called for December 21, with Ciudadanos becoming the party with the highest representation, but without obtaining an absolute majority with the sum of the so-called constitutionalist parties.
As a consequence, the composition, attitude and intentions of the new Parliament were very similar to those of the previous one.
All these events led to the attribution of criminal responsibility and, during the investigation phase, to numerous preventive arrests which the former President of the Generalitat and others evaded by their departure abroad.
The economy and society as a whole have been severely affected by all these events, which concern the entire nation. Over 4,500 companies based in Catalonia have changed their registered office or even their address for tax purposes to a different Community. The effects of the insecure situation, still unresolved, will have to be evaluated in the near future and will be coped with, not only economically, on the long term.
On the international front, Donald Trump was elected the 45th President of the United States of America, with a program of foreseeable great impact on trade and global politics by assuming the review of all international agreements. The suspension of the Trans-Pacific Economic Cooperation Agreement (TPP) and the restructuring of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with Canada and Mexico, or the immigration policy are the expression of the electoral slogan America First.
In the United Kingdom, the British Parliament authorized the May Government to start Brexit negotiations with the E.U. on 8 February, as it comes into force on 29 March 2019.
Germany and France, hopefully together with Spain, Italy and Portugal, will lead the overcoming of a crisis caused by the traditional British insular and unsupportive policy.
The attention paid and the consequent concern do not derive from the establishment of the head office of our Mutua. The events mentioned above affect the whole of Spain.
In 1948, Professor Pedro Laín Entralgo, summed up in the title of his great essay, Spain as a problem, the magnitude of this whole question, which in one way or another had been formulated by our best intellectuals, from Ganivet to Miguel de Unamuno and Joan Maragall.
Finally, there has been an event of extraordinary importance at a national level. The no-confidence motion against the Popular Party Government, proposed by PSOE, obtained an absolute parliamentary majority on 1 June, with the compulsory resignation of the government and the formation of a new one presided over by Mr. Pedro Sánchez, Secretary General of PSOE. The new government will continue the regulatory period until the future calling of elections.
Let us leave politics, as attractive as it is unpredictable, and seek comfort in the economy and affirm once again our faith in Spain, backed by the numbers that sing their exact song.
Our macroeconomic data show an expanding economy in itself and in comparative terms in Europe. GDP grew by 3.1% compared to 2.3% in the Eurozone, with four years of recovery, three of them above 3%.
The two main drivers of growth have been, as it should be, consumption and investment. Family spending grew by 2.4% and public spending by 1.6%. Investment increased by 5%, with 6.1% in capital goods, the best sector without any doubt.
Construction grew again by 4.9%. Industry by 3.7%. Agriculture, livestock, forestry and fishing by 3.7%. Exports were no less than 5% and imports 4.4%.
All this growth translated into an increase of 2.9% in employment, with the creation of 506,000 jobs and reduced unemployment to 3.41 million registered unemployed and the unemployment rate to 16.4%. The latter figures are still lacerating, but the lowest since 2009.
Framed by political turbulence and economic progress, the mutual insurance companies collaborating with the Social Security system have continued to work, with increasing responsibility and better means, for the well-being of protected workers.
Mutua Universal has continued to increase its collaboration with public and private concerns, by developing new services and opportunities in order to share knowledge and experience for the good of society.
The resulting public-private collaboration is the best example against any doctrinal extremism. But the mutual insurance companies, of course, are suffering from an overall deficit in our health care and Social Security systems. This problem is aggravated by the fact that the mutual insurance companies have assumed the economic effects of the common disease, with insufficient resources and without any capacity for surveillance and correction.
Mutual insurance companies have entered into this whirlwind that needs to be urgently addressed through the formulation, implementation and development of new regulations.
The drastic reduction in the contributions of mutual insurance companies to the shrinking "Social Security piggy bank" says it all.
The so-called Mutual insurance companies Law 35/2014 of 26 December 2004 regulates in its entirety the legal regime of mutual insurance companies with the Social Security system and their functions as private associative entities collaborating in the management of public health protection, but its regulations, although not published after almost four years, are referred to in such important issues as the composition and functioning of its governing bodies, the convening of the boards of directors and their operating regime, responsibilities, administrative expenses, the formalization of associative agreements, the application of responsibilities, etc....
Within the scope of our management, Mutua Universal has obtained an increase of 7.47% in contributions, reaching 969,828,173 euros.
The surplus for 2017 was 32.73 million euros. Mutua has continued to increase its collaboration with public and private entities to develop new services and the possibilities of sharing knowledge and experiences so that society as a whole may benefit. Twenty collaboration agreements have been signed with universities, social graduate colleges and other groups.
Together with the excellent development of our own activity, we are extending our social commitment to other areas, such as social assistance for workers and their families whose quality of life has been affected, with 6,008 applications being dealt with, for a total value of 3,058,576 euros, in a commendable work of the Special Benefits Committee.
In order to respond to the constant increase in the number and quality of mutual activity, 2.9 million euros were invested in new facilities in Valladolid, Huelva and Lugo and 1.8 million euros in the improvement and adaptation of healthcare centers.
The digitalization work has also continued, providing new solutions and improving the accessibility and efficiency of facilities and services and the speed and convenience of the user.
The non-appealable order issued by the Provincial Court of Barcelona on April 24, 2017, by which Mutua does only and ultimately bear subsidiary civil liability in the proceedings before Court of Instruction No. 21 (DP 3532/07), is significant.
It is our duty to express our gratitude to the member companies and workers for their often active confidence in our mutual insurance company.
To the loyalty, commitment, sacrifice and generosity of the members of the Board of Directors, of the Control and Monitoring and Special Benefits Committees, and to the members of the Audit Committee on its tenth anniversary of exemplary performance, to the management team and to all employees, with special emphasis on the Managing Director, Dr. Juan Güell.
The President and CEO of Amat have continued to promote and channel the spirit of mutuality, trying to show it from the outside as well.
And the ministerial team has always relied on our loyal collaboration, matched by their help and trust.
We will always be ready to continue working to ensure that Spain ceases to be a permanent imprecise draft and to help decipher the enigma that the master Ortega formulated when he said: "I just know that what is wrong with me is that I do not know what is wrong with us."
To all of you, thank you very much.
Juan Echeverría Puig
President of Mutua Universal
The task of digitalisation brings with it new solutions and improves accessibility to and efficiency of facilities and services, as well as making them faster and more convenient for the user.